Since 2009, UNRoD established an
internship programme. About 50 qualified students from over 30
countries have benefited from it. UNRoD’s internship programme
is unique of its kind, since all interns, after two to three
weeks of intense training, are introduced to performing
functions very similar to those being carried out by UNRoD
Legal Officers. Interns are, therefore, practically helping to
process concrete legal cases and thus acquiring the required
expertise and skills for mass claim processing. This allows
the interns to better obtain the concrete knowledge and
practical skills in techniques and methodologies of mass
claims processing that are usually not covered in
universities’ curriculum. The level of training and knowledge
obtained have allowed some of the best qualified former
interns to be provided at a later stage with the opportunity
to work with UNRoD as an individual contractor.
Main Functions to be
carried out during the internship
The primary objective of the work of the intern is to provide
support to the Claims Officers in the Claims Processing Unit.
Background Information
The United Nations Register of Damage caused by the
Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
has been established by General Assembly Resolution ES-10/17
of 24 January 2007 “to serve as a record, in documentary form,
of the material damage caused to all natural and legal persons
concerned as a result of the construction of the Wall by
Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem”. The
overall objective of the Office of UNRoD is to establish and
maintain that Register of Damage which will be achieved
through the progressive registration of damage claims and
maintenance of the Register of Damage.
The Office is composed of a three-member Board and a small
office, headed by an Executive Director, consisting of
substantive, administrative and technical support staff; The
United Nations Register of Damage is a subsidiary organ of the
General Assembly operating under the administrative authority
of the Secretary-General and was established at the site of
the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV).
UNRoD’s expected accomplishment is the registration of claims
related to damage caused by the construction of the Wall and
maintenance of the Register of Damage through (i) informing
affected natural and legal persons about the possibility of
and requirements for filing a claim for registration of
damage, (ii) receiving and processing claims, and (iii)
registering those claims which the Board of UNRoD decides to
include in the Register based on objective eligibility
UNRoD will remain active for the duration of the registration
process. The maintenance of the Register itself is a
continuous process, which will most likely take several years,
given the thousands of potential claims and the continued
construction of the Wall, which may result in new claims
Since the Office of UNRoD is located in Vienna, the main
operational challenge to the implementation of its mandate is
to make arrangements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
including in and around Jerusalem, for:
- undertaking outreach activities in order to
inform potential claimants of the right of all natural and
legal persons who have suffered damage as a
result of the construction of the Wall to submit a claim to
UNRoD, and to disseminate information about the existence
and purpose of UNRoD and the procedure for filing a claim
with UNRoD; and
- conducting claims intake activities
including distribution of Claim Forms to potential
claimants, assisting claimants in completing the Claim
Forms, and collection and delivery of completed Claim Forms
to UNRoD’s office in Vienna for further processing, as well
as continued communication with claimants relating to the
processing of their claims.
Intern Objective and Learning
To obtain the necessary training and knowledge that would
qualify for a professional post in the UN or other
international organizations.
After the assignment, the intern will be able to:
Process claims in various categories according to established
eligibility criteria.
Understand principals and procedures of mass claims processing
and to successfully work in any similar program.
Specific Assignment
The primary objective of the work of the intern is to provide
support to the Claims Officers in the Claims Processing Unit.
S/he will contribute to processing damage claims with a view
to submitting them through the Executive Director to the Board
for approval. In this context, the intern will:
- Process claims to be submitted through
the Executive Director to the Board for decision as to
their inclusion in the Register of Damage;
- Keep an accurate record of claims brought
before the Register of Damage; Prepare case summaries,
case presentations and reports;
- Review the work of the Language Reference
Assistants involved in Claims Processing, providing
guidance, basic interpretation of policies to ensure
- timely and accurate processing;
- Fulfil other duties as required and
Expected Qualifications /
Professionalism - Ability to apply legal or established
principles, concepts and procedures for review, examination
and processing of claims and documents; strong analytical
skills; ability to develop and present recommendations and
opinions clearly.
Technological awareness – Fully proficient computer skills;
Ability to use relevant software applications and database;
Communication - communication (spoken, written, and
presentation) skills including ability to defend and explain
complex issues and positions to senior officials;
Teamwork - Ability to establish and maintain effective working
relationships in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment
with sensitivity and respect for diversity.
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